Daily Usenet Report for news.iucc.ac.il

Apr 27 00:00:02 -- Apr 28 00:00:03

Log entries by program:

Program nameLines%LinesSize%Size
inn 251998 78.8%24.2 MB 81.1%
nnrpd 60714 19.0%5.1 MB 17.2%
innd 6128 1.9%451.0 KB 1.5%
innxmit 760 0.2%62.5 KB 0.2%
controlchan 1 0.0%0.0 KB 0.0%
TOTAL: 5 319601 100.0%29.9 MB100.0%

Control commands to INND:

flush 1153
flushlogs 1
paused 1
TOTAL: 3 1155

Control Channel:

SendernewgrouprmgroupOtherBad PGPDoItOK

Incoming Feeds (INN):

1newsfeed.fu-berlin.de 8 256796 160013 40080 56703 62%49:51:24
2news.franconews.org 11 10776 3640 4270 2866 33%22:30:35
3irazu.switch.ch 17 23 16 7 0 69%03:08:33
4bloom-beacon.mit.edu 206 293 3 233 57 1%24:04:34
5news.iucc.ac.il 4 3 3 0 0 100%00:00:01
6news.desy.de 1 1 1 0 0 100%00:00:01
7news.bezeqint.net 76 0 0 0 0 0%00:00:12
8news.echo.fr 16 23 0 23 0 0%03:21:07
9news.actcom.co.il 209 0 0 0 0 0%00:00:34
TOTAL: 9 548 267915 163676 44613 59626 61%102:57:01

Articles received by server

Incoming articles:

Apr 27 00:00:02 - 00:59:59 10686 5.7% 2.9722.4 MB 5.5% 6.38
Apr 27 01:00:00 - 01:59:59 8527 4.5% 2.3718.7 MB 4.6% 5.31
Apr 27 02:00:00 - 02:59:59 7039 3.7% 1.9616.2 MB 4.0% 4.62
Apr 27 03:00:00 - 03:59:59 5963 3.2% 1.6614.9 MB 3.6% 4.23
Apr 27 04:00:00 - 04:59:59 5167 2.7% 1.4412.1 MB 3.0% 3.45
Apr 27 05:00:00 - 05:59:59 4600 2.4% 1.2811.1 MB 2.7% 3.14
Apr 27 06:00:00 - 06:59:59 4614 2.5% 1.2810.4 MB 2.5% 2.96
Apr 27 07:00:00 - 07:59:59 4129 2.2% 1.1510.0 MB 2.4% 2.83
Apr 27 08:00:00 - 08:59:59 4382 2.3% 1.229.9 MB 2.4% 2.83
Apr 27 09:00:00 - 09:59:59 5392 2.9% 1.5012.3 MB 3.0% 3.49
Apr 27 10:00:00 - 10:59:59 7003 3.7% 1.9513.3 MB 3.2% 3.78
Apr 27 11:00:00 - 11:59:59 7207 3.8% 2.0013.9 MB 3.4% 3.96
Apr 27 12:00:00 - 12:59:59 7335 3.9% 2.0414.3 MB 3.5% 4.08
Apr 27 13:00:00 - 13:59:59 7409 3.9% 2.0615.7 MB 3.8% 4.47
Apr 27 14:00:00 - 14:59:59 7730 4.1% 2.1515.5 MB 3.8% 4.40
Apr 27 15:00:00 - 15:59:59 9064 4.8% 2.5217.6 MB 4.3% 5.01
Apr 27 16:00:00 - 16:59:59 9866 5.2% 2.7419.1 MB 4.7% 5.44
Apr 27 17:00:00 - 17:59:59 9937 5.3% 2.7620.3 MB 5.0% 5.79
Apr 27 18:00:00 - 18:59:59 9999 5.3% 2.7820.7 MB 5.1% 5.90
Apr 27 19:00:00 - 19:59:59 9963 5.3% 2.7720.2 MB 4.9% 5.74
Apr 27 20:00:00 - 20:59:59 9744 5.2% 2.7121.0 MB 5.1% 5.97
Apr 27 21:00:00 - 21:59:59 10786 5.7% 3.0030.0 MB 7.3% 8.53
Apr 27 22:00:00 - 22:59:59 10501 5.6% 2.9224.9 MB 6.1% 7.07
Apr 27 23:00:00 - 23:59:59 11029 5.9% 3.0625.0 MB 6.1% 7.10
Apr 28 00:00:00 - 00:00:03 10 0.0% 3.3321.9 KB 0.0% 7.29
TOTAL: 24:00:01 188082 100.0% 2.18409.5 MB 100.0% 4.85

Incoming articles

Incoming articles (size)

Sites sending bad articles:

1newsfeed.fu-berlin.de 56368 50439 0 1944 122 0 0 0 3863
2arclight.uoregon.edu 4247 720 0 2882 54 0 0 0 591
3news.franconews.org 3244 1504 0 37 132 0 0 0 1571
4bloom-beacon.mit.edu 56 2 0 9 1 0 0 0 44
5irazu.switch.ch 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
TOTAL: 5 63916 52665 0 4872 309 0 0 0 6070

Unwanted newsgroups [Top 20]:

cn.bbs.game.diablo 2498
microsoft.public.windowsxp.general 1011
pl.misc.samochody 750
it.economia.borsa 582
cn.bbs.soc.market 551
it.comp.giochi.sportivi.hattrick 538
cn.bbs.lit.novel.emprise 487
hun.lists.mlf.linux-flame 463
microsoft.public.es.windowsxp 461
microsoft.public.windows.server.sbs 433
microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6.browser 396
microsoft.public.fr.windowsxp 392
be.test 376
nl.motorfiets 360
fido7.pvt.girls 344
cn.bbs.lit.novel.sanguo 323
nl.test 312
microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support 304
microsoft.public.cn.windowsxp 304
microsoft.public.it.windowsxp 295
TOTAL: 2204 52665

Supposedly-moderated groups with unmoderated postings [Top 20]:

fr.comp.os.linux.configuration 203
sci.electronics.components 68
alt.disney.disneyland 24
alt.activism.death-penalty 4
humanities.philosophy.objectivism 2
fr.comp.infosystemes.www.annonces 2
alt.fr.lettres.litterature 1
misc.invest.financial-plan 1
fr.sci.geosciences 1
soc.history.war.us-civil-war 1
comp.ai 1
soc.religion.mormon 1
TOTAL: 12 309

Miscellaneous innd statistics [Top 10]:

Article posted in the future
arclight.uoregon.edu 1
TOTAL: 1 1
Bad Message-ID's offered
arclight.uoregon.edu 15
TOTAL: 1 15
Including strange strings
newsfeed.fu-berlin.de 3580
arclight.uoregon.edu 484
news.franconews.org 156
irazu.switch.ch 1
TOTAL: 4 4221
No colon-space in header
arclight.uoregon.edu 1
TOTAL: 1 1
TOTAL: 4 4238

Outgoing Feeds (innxmit) by Articles:

1news.actcom.co.il 27 27 0 0 0100%00:00:08
2news.echo.fr 27 20 3 4 0 74%00:00:35
3news.bezeqint.net 27 6 21 0 0 22%00:00:07
4iucc.peer.fu-berlin.de 3861 3 3858 0 0 0%00:01:57
5bloom-beacon.mit.edu 24 0 24 0 0 0%00:00:26
6news.franconews.org 4481 0 4473 8 0 0%00:08:00
7iucc-in.news.switch.ch 11 0 11 0 0 0%00:00:06
TOTAL: 7 8458 56 8390 12 12 0%00:11:21

Outgoing Feeds (innxmit)

Outgoing Feeds (innxmit) by Volume:

1news.actcom.co.il64.6 KB0.0 KB64.6 KB 7.42.4 KB00:00:08
2news.echo.fr34.0 KB22.9 KB56.9 KB 1.62.4 KB00:00:35
3news.bezeqint.net29.8 KB0.0 KB29.8 KB 4.05.0 KB00:00:07
4iucc.peer.fu-berlin.de5.1 KB0.0 KB5.1 KB 0.01.7 KB00:01:57
5bloom-beacon.mit.edu0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0.0000:00:26
6news.franconews.org0.0 KB31.5 KB31.5 KB 0.13.9 KB00:08:00
7iucc-in.news.switch.ch0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0.0000:00:06
TOTAL: 7133.5 KB54.4 KB187.9 KB 0.32.8 KB00:11:21

Outgoing Feeds (innxmit)

Outgoing Feeds (innxmit) - other information:

1news.actcom.co.il 22 22 0 0 0 0 0 0100%
2news.echo.fr 22 22 0 0 0 0 0 0100%
3news.bezeqint.net 22 22 0 0 0 0 0 0100%
4iucc.peer.fu-berlin.de 143 143 0 0 0 0 0 0100%
5bloom-beacon.mit.edu 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0100%
6news.franconews.org 143 143 0 0 0 0 0 0100%
7iucc-in.news.switch.ch 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0100%
TOTAL: 7 380 380 0 0 0 0 0 0100%

NNRP readership statistics:

1ssdl-14.cs.technion.ac.il 115 1037725.3 MB 36 0 000:38:30
2news.bezeqint.net 76 740132.5 MB 38647 0 001:00:30
3sansana.bgu.ac.il 25 300259.1 KB 12 0 004:29:58
4vms.huji.ac.il 22 256547.2 KB 122 3 003:20:16
5andrea.weizmann.ac.il 5 194520.5 KB 209 0 001:10:25
6sunlight.cs.biu.ac.il 119 100311.6 KB 7 2 000:46:00
7di8-35145.dialin.huji.ac.il 2 89148.9 KB 5 0 000:39:05
8alcatraz.cs.huji.ac.il 458 3955.1 KB 25 0 029:49:25
9132.72.5.122 5 3672.3 KB 8 1 001:32:23
10di2-101.dialin.huji.ac.il 5 3296.8 KB 7 0 001:20:09
11weizmann.weizmann.ac.il 2 2061.4 KB 82 0 000:20:58
12adsl-serious.tau.ac.il 3 1930.5 KB 2 0 001:13:54
13empire.tau.ac.il 2 17142.0 KB 26 1 000:11:49
14ras23.weizmann.ac.il 2 1120.8 KB 1 0 000:17:26
15di8-35130.dialin.huji.ac.il 70 1147.8 KB 8 0 002:02:35
16ashur.os.biu.ac.il 5 1017.1 KB 7 0 000:02:59
17nexus.cs.bgu.ac.il 3 79.0 KB 6 0 001:08:58
18adsl248-13.technion.ac.il 1 617.4 KB 15 0 000:13:58
19di8-33243.dialin.huji.ac.il 2 513.2 KB 1 0 000:10:18
20oemcomputer.cs.technion.ac.il 2 39.5 KB 1 0 000:02:32
21adsl248-69.technion.ac.il 2 22.6 KB 1 0 001:21:03
22adsl248-165.technion.ac.il 2 17.4 KB 1 0 001:21:38
23techunix.technion.ac.il 1 136.0 KB 1 0 000:01:04
24ssdl-20.cs.technion.ac.il 4 11.3 KB 1 0 000:00:59
TOTAL: 24 933 1893860.2 MB 39231 7 079:00:08

NNRP readership statistics (by domain):

1*.cs.technion.ac.il 265 1038125.3 MB 38 0 024:41:30
2*.bezeqint.net 76 740132.5 MB 38647 0 001:00:30
3*.bgu.ac.il 25 300259.1 KB 12 0 004:29:58
4*.huji.ac.il 22 256547.2 KB 122 3 003:20:16
5*.weizmann.ac.il 9 225602.6 KB 292 0 001:48:50
6*.dialin.huji.ac.il 80 137306.7 KB 21 0 004:12:09
7*.cs.biu.ac.il 133 100311.6 KB 7 2 000:46:11
8*.cs.huji.ac.il 459 3955.1 KB 25 0 031:20:38
9*.tau.ac.il 5 36172.5 KB 28 1 001:25:44
10unresolved 280 3672.3 KB 8 1 001:33:34
11*.technion.ac.il 6 1063.3 KB 18 0 002:57:45
12*.os.biu.ac.il 6 1017.1 KB 7 0 000:03:00
13*.cs.bgu.ac.il 3 79.0 KB 6 0 001:08:58
14*.iucc.ac.il1432 00.0 KB 0 0 000:07:25
TOTAL: 142801 1893860.2 MB 39231 7 078:56:34

Curious NNRP server explorers [Top 20]:

wug.iucc.ac.il 1432 275
pc32.cs.technion.ac.il 144
sunshine.cs.biu.ac.il 14
di8-32037.dialin.huji.ac.il 1
biomodel.os.biu.ac.il 1
learn-08.cs.huji.ac.il 1
TOTAL: 7 1868

NNRP no permission clients:

lnews.actcom.co.il 103
tucana.tuc.noao.edu 95
news.att.net.il 31
p213.54.48.34.tisdip.tiscali.de 7
adsl-64-160-27-57.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net 5
qn-82-217-191-122.quicknet.nl 5
r-schroeder.demon.nl 3 3
66-214-160-206.mpk-eres.charterpipeline.net 3
cae31-206-059.sc.rr.com 3 2 2
p5081142e.dip.t-dialin.net 1
dsl-213-023-018-126.arcor-ip.net 1
cp46802-a.landg1.lb.home.nl 1
pcp202433pcs.vineln01.nj.comcast.net 1 1
ool-182ec5e2.dyn.optonline.net 1
pd9e5ec95.dip.t-dialin.net 1
82-38-104-231.cable.ubr03.donc.blueyonder.co.uk 1 1
f104018.upc-f.chello.nl 1
client36.entrust.com 1
82-168-91-29-bbxl.xdsl.tiscali.nl 1
yw234.internetdsl.tpnet.pl 1
xdsl-213-168-121-104.netcologne.de 1
ti500710a080-3545.bb.online.no 1
cbl217-132-103-166.bb.netvision.net.il 1
pd9548154.dip.t-dialin.net 1
pd9e51897.dip.t-dialin.net 1
lemaire.net1.nerim.net 1
rdu163-35-203.nc.rr.com 1
TOTAL: 32 282

NNRP client timeouts [Top 20]:

di8-35130.dialin.huji.ac.il 5 0
di2-101.dialin.huji.ac.il 2 0
nexus.cs.bgu.ac.il 1 0 1 0
adsl248-69.technion.ac.il 1 0
learn-08.cs.huji.ac.il 1 0
TOTAL: 6 11 0

Newsgroup request counts (by category):

1rec 8596 45.3%
2alt 2558 13.5%
3news 2432 12.8%
4fido7 1525 8.0%
5comp 517 2.7%
6fr 516 2.7%
7soc 486 2.6%
8pl 458 2.4%
9uk 375 2.0%
10de 352 1.9%
11sci 320 1.7%
12it 277 1.5%
13microsoft 213 1.1%
14chile 101 0.5%
15japan 62 0.3%
16relcom 45 0.2%
17ab 44 0.2%
18misc 37 0.2%
19talk 19 0.1%
20linux 13 0.1%
21gnu 11 0.1%
22bit 5 0.0%
23sfnet 4 0.0%
24netscape 3 0.0%
25austin 2 0.0%
26az 1 0.0%
27free 1 0.0%
28nl 1 0.0%
29tw 1 0.0%
TOTAL: 29 18975100.0%

Newsgroup request counts (by newsgroup) [Top 100]:

1rec.arts.anime.misc 5403
2news.admin.net-abuse.sightings 2419
3rec.arts.sf.written 2360
4alt.fan.italian.anime.dragonball 1231
5fido7.ru.anime 805
6alt.sports.soccer.arsenal 558
7fr.rec.anime 512
8pl.rec.anime 458
9fido7.ru.anime.chainik 412
10uk.media.animation.anime 367
11de.alt.anime 344
12alt.support.shyness 300
13alt.meditation 233
14fido7.ru.anime.games 198
15soc.culture.jewish.moderated 179
16rec.arts.anime.marketplace 168
17soc.culture.israel 127
18comp.sys.sgi.marketplace 110
19rec.arts.anime.models 110
20chile.rec.anime 101
21soc.culture.jewish 98
22microsoft.public.excel.programming 92
23it.comp.software.tex 86
24sci.space.shuttle 86
25sci.math 82
26comp.sys.sgi.misc 61
27japan.anime.evangelion 61
28comp.jobs 61
29it.sport.calcio.juventus 59
30it.scienza.matematica 51
31rec.arts.anime.fandom 50
32sci.med.nutrition 45
33fido7.ru.anime.ranma 45
34ab.politics 44
35rec.sport.soccer 42
36rec.arts.books 40
37relcom.politics 40
38it.scienza.fisica 39
39comp.lang.functional 27
40rec.games.pinball 27
41microsoft.public.sqlserver.programming 27
42it.discussioni.litigi 26
43soc.history.war.world-war-ii 25
44rec.arts.anime.music 25
45rec.martial-arts 24
46rec.music.classical.guitar 24
47microsoft.public.access 22
48rec.humor 22
49sci.math.num-analysis 21
50comp.arch.embedded 20
51microsoft.public.inetserver.iis 20
52rec.arts.anime 18
53comp.dsp 18
54microsoft.public.outlook.general 17
55comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic 17
56sci.electronics 17
57comp.ai.neural-nets 17
58alt.romance 16
59alt.os.linux.mandrake 16
60misc.fitness.weights 16
61fido7.ru.anime.sailor 15
62rec.arts.anime.creative 15
63talk.religion.course-miracle 15
64sci.math.research 15
65rec.travel.europe 14
66rec.music.classical.recordings 14
67linux.debian.user 13
68rec.photo.digital 13
69it.cultura.ebraica 13
70news.admin.net-abuse.email 13
71rec.audio.pro 13
72fido7.ru.sex.text 12
73comp.realtime 12
74rec.aviation.military 12
75comp.lang.scheme 11
76rec.sport.cricket 11
77comp.text.tex 11
78rec.games.chess.analysis 11
79comp.soft-sys.matlab 11
80alt.drugs.psychedelics 11
81rec.travel.cruises 11
82rec.sport.basketball.pro 10
83sci.electronics.design 10
84alt.fan.noam-chomsky 10
85soc.culture.belgium 10
86rec.humor.funny.reruns 9
87fido7.ru.sex 9
88alt.anime 9
89rec.music.progressive 9
90alt.os.windows-xp 9
91soc.genealogy.jewish 9
92comp.os.vms 8
93rec.music.makers.guitar.acoustic 8
94microsoft.public.vc.mfc 8
95de.talk.bizarre 8
96alt.comp.freeware 7
97rec.sport.baseball 7
98comp.dcom.telecom 7
99alt.support.cancer.prostate 7
100rec.radio.shortwave 7
TOTAL: 349 18975

innreport 3.0.2 (c) 1996-1999 by Fabien Tassin <fta@sofaraway.org>.