Daily Usenet Report for news.iucc.ac.il

Mar 9 00:00:01 -- Mar 10 00:00:02

Log entries by program:

Program nameLines%LinesSize%Size
inn 92449 87.2%9.3 MB 89.6%
nnrpd 8626 8.1%789.2 KB 7.4%
innd 4179 3.9%254.7 KB 2.4%
innxmit 790 0.7%64.5 KB 0.6%
controlchan 2 0.0%0.2 KB 0.0%
TOTAL: 5 106046 100.0%10.4 MB100.0%

Control commands to INND:

flush 1008
flushlogs 1
paused 2
TOTAL: 3 1011

Newsgroups created:


Control Channel:

SendernewgrouprmgroupOtherBad PGPDoItOK

Incoming Feeds (INN):

1newsfeed.fu-berlin.de 29 82456 46932 18942 16582 56%40:37:50
2elk.ncren.net 2 15929 14318 1342 269 89%14:48:45
3bloom-beacon.mit.edu 170 115 6 95 14 5%24:01:16
4news.iucc.ac.il 2 1 1 0 0 100%00:00:00
5news.desy.de 1 1 1 0 0 100%00:00:01
TOTAL: 5 204 98502 61258 20379 16865 62%79:27:52

Articles received by server

Incoming articles:

Mar 9 00:00:01 - 00:59:59 3635 4.9% 1.019.6 MB 5.1% 2.74
Mar 9 01:00:00 - 01:59:59 3475 4.7% 0.978.6 MB 4.6% 2.44
Mar 9 02:00:00 - 02:59:59 2639 3.6% 0.736.4 MB 3.4% 1.83
Mar 9 03:00:00 - 03:59:59 2345 3.2% 0.656.9 MB 3.7% 1.96
Mar 9 04:00:00 - 04:59:59 1823 2.5% 0.514.7 MB 2.5% 1.34
Mar 9 05:00:00 - 05:59:59 1714 2.3% 0.484.7 MB 2.5% 1.35
Mar 9 06:00:00 - 06:59:59 1810 2.5% 0.505.1 MB 2.7% 1.46
Mar 9 07:00:00 - 07:59:59 1861 2.5% 0.526.0 MB 3.2% 1.71
Mar 9 08:00:00 - 08:59:59 1625 2.2% 0.456.5 MB 3.5% 1.85
Mar 9 09:00:00 - 09:59:59 1654 2.2% 0.464.5 MB 2.4% 1.29
Mar 9 10:00:00 - 10:59:59 1984 2.7% 0.555.3 MB 2.8% 1.51
Mar 9 11:00:00 - 11:59:59 2288 3.1% 0.645.6 MB 3.0% 1.60
Mar 9 12:00:00 - 12:59:59 2884 3.9% 0.807.4 MB 3.9% 2.10
Mar 9 13:00:00 - 13:59:59 3177 4.3% 0.887.4 MB 4.0% 2.11
Mar 9 14:00:00 - 14:59:59 3574 4.8% 0.999.0 MB 4.8% 2.57
Mar 9 15:00:00 - 15:59:59 3349 4.5% 0.937.3 MB 3.9% 2.08
Mar 9 16:00:00 - 16:59:59 3540 4.8% 0.988.5 MB 4.5% 2.42
Mar 9 17:00:00 - 17:59:59 3925 5.3% 1.099.4 MB 5.0% 2.67
Mar 9 18:00:00 - 18:59:59 4249 5.8% 1.189.9 MB 5.3% 2.83
Mar 9 19:00:00 - 19:59:59 4667 6.3% 1.3012.8 MB 6.8% 3.64
Mar 9 20:00:00 - 20:59:59 4524 6.1% 1.2610.6 MB 5.6% 3.00
Mar 9 21:00:00 - 21:59:59 4237 5.7% 1.1810.2 MB 5.4% 2.90
Mar 9 22:00:00 - 22:59:59 4260 5.8% 1.189.9 MB 5.3% 2.81
Mar 9 23:00:00 - 23:59:59 4620 6.3% 1.2811.3 MB 6.0% 3.23
Mar 10 00:00:00 - 00:00:02 3 0.0% 1.504.1 KB 0.0% 2.04
TOTAL: 24:00:01 73862 100.0% 0.85187.9 MB 100.0% 2.23

Incoming articles

Incoming articles (size)

Sites sending bad articles:

1newsfeed.fu-berlin.de 17958 17392 0 65 129 0 0 0 372
2elk.ncren.net 547 171 0 155 106 0 0 0 115
3? 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68
4bloom-beacon.mit.edu 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14
TOTAL: 4 18587 17563 0 220 235 0 0 0 569

Unwanted newsgroups [Top 20]:

fido7.ru.tv.program.announce 764
microsoft.public.windows.vista.general 612
it.sport.calcio.inter-fc 453
uk.people.silversurfers 320
pl.misc.samochody 273
hr.soc.politika 269
microsoft.public.windowsxp.general 248
hr.rec.kladjenje 239
linux.kernel 222
pl.rec.foto.cyfrowa 182
microsoft.public.internetexplorer.beta 178
microsoft.public.windows.vista.mail 174
microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general 166
linux.debian.changes.devel 160
hr.ponuda.hardver 154
nl.motorfiets 150
linux.debian.bugs.rc 143
cn.bbs.admin.test 139
nl.huisdier.kat 130
hr.comp.hardver 115
TOTAL: 1285 17563

Supposedly-moderated groups with unmoderated postings [Top 20]:

alt.activism.death-penalty 107
sci.electronics.components 74
fr.comp.os.linux.configuration 35
alt.config 11
fr.sci.geosciences 5
alt.disney.disneyland 2
alt.de.rec.teich 1
TOTAL: 7 235

INND misc events:

CCreader 1
TOTAL: 1 1

Miscellaneous innd statistics [Top 10]:

Including strange strings
newsfeed.fu-berlin.de 366
elk.ncren.net 100
TOTAL: 2 466
TOTAL: 1 466

Outgoing Feeds (innxmit) by Articles:

1iucc.peer.fu-berlin.de 24829 1 24811 17 0 0%00:06:48
2bloom-beacon.mit.edu 18 0 18 0 0 0%00:00:18
3iucc-in.news.switch.ch 23 0 23 0 0 0%00:00:05
TOTAL: 3 24870 1 24852 17 17 0%00:07:12

Outgoing Feeds (innxmit)

Outgoing Feeds (innxmit) by Volume:

1iucc.peer.fu-berlin.de1.7 KB50.2 KB52.0 KB 0.12.9 KB00:06:48
2bloom-beacon.mit.edu0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0.0000:00:18
3iucc-in.news.switch.ch0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0.0000:00:05
TOTAL: 31.7 KB50.2 KB52.0 KB 0.12.9 KB00:07:12

Outgoing Feeds (innxmit)

Outgoing Feeds (innxmit) - other information:

1iucc.peer.fu-berlin.de 144 144 0 0 0 0 0 0100%
2news.actcom.co.il 144 0 0 0 0 0 144 0 0%
3bloom-beacon.mit.edu 16 16 0 0 0 0 0 0100%
4news.echo.fr 144 0 0 0 0 0 144 0 0%
5news.franconews.org 144 0 0 0 0 0 144 0 0%
6iucc-in.news.switch.ch 19 19 0 0 0 0 0 0100%
TOTAL: 6 611 179 0 0 0 0 432 0 29%

NNRP readership statistics:

1humming.huji.ac.il 21 4511.6 MB 61 18 006:14:30
2math.huji.ac.il 4 127328.8 KB 22 0 002:11:43
3sdhcp-85-157.phys.huji.ac.il 4 82274.6 KB 2 1 004:03:52
4vms.huji.ac.il 3 79285.0 KB 42 0 000:34:22
5gabi.ch.huji.ac.il 3 6178.2 KB 2 0 002:59:10
6grover2.md.huji.ac.il 4 47129.0 KB 91 0 001:19:50
7weizmann.weizmann.ac.il 1 4448.3 KB 79 0 000:43:33
8techunix.technion.ac.il 3 3572.5 KB 5 0 000:59:28
9math1.ma.huji.ac.il 3 2764.7 KB 9 0 001:07:34
10math113-2.tau.ac.il 3 2250.4 KB 10 0 000:28:25
11adsl-hank.tau.ac.il 1 817.2 KB 50 1 000:07:26
TOTAL: 11 50 9832.9 MB 373 20 030:37:55

NNRP readership statistics (by domain):

1*.huji.ac.il 28 6572.2 MB 125 18 009:00:36
2*.phys.huji.ac.il 4 82274.6 KB 2 1 004:03:52
3*.ch.huji.ac.il 3 6178.2 KB 2 0 002:59:10
4*.md.huji.ac.il 4 47129.0 KB 91 0 001:19:50
5*.weizmann.ac.il 105 4448.3 KB 79 0 001:44:31
6*.technion.ac.il 3 3572.5 KB 5 0 000:59:28
7*.tau.ac.il 8 3067.7 KB 60 1 000:36:00
8*.ma.huji.ac.il 3 2764.7 KB 9 0 001:07:34
9*.iucc.ac.il1440 00.0 KB 0 0 000:00:08
10*.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il 2 00.0 KB 0 0 001:02:06
11*.ph.biu.ac.il 2 00.0 KB 0 0 002:00:03
12*.cs.huji.ac.il 309 00.0 KB 0 0 004:52:35
13*.cs.biu.ac.il 1 00.0 KB 0 0 000:51:29
TOTAL: 131912 9832.9 MB 373 20 030:37:29

Curious NNRP server explorers [Top 20]:

wug.iucc.ac.il 1440
w3.cs.huji.ac.il 309
yossid.weizmann.ac.il 96
arie-pc.weizmann.ac.il 7
atlas2.tau.ac.il 3
havlin15.ph.biu.ac.il 2
winter.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il 2
sunlight.cs.biu.ac.il 1
atlas1.tau.ac.il 1
plasma.weizmann.ac.il 1
TOTAL: 10 1862

NNRP no permission clients:

kanaga-eth0.switch.ch 144
bzq-179-140-132.static.bezeqint.net 2 1
TOTAL: 3 147

NNRP unrecognized commands (by host):

sunlight.cs.biu.ac.il 4
TOTAL: 1 4

NNRP unrecognized commands (by command):

xindex 1
spooldir list 1
xmotd 1
xuser 1
TOTAL: 4 4

NNRP client timeouts [Top 20]:

havlin15.ph.biu.ac.il 2 0
gabi.ch.huji.ac.il 2 0
humming.huji.ac.il 1 0
winter.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il 1 0
math1.ma.huji.ac.il 1 0
math.huji.ac.il 1 0
plasma.weizmann.ac.il 1 0
sdhcp-85-157.phys.huji.ac.il 1 0
TOTAL: 8 10 0

Newsgroup request counts (by category):

1soc 613 62.4%
2rec 180 18.3%
3comp 83 8.4%
4alt 54 5.5%
5sci 25 2.5%
6misc 21 2.1%
7linux 4 0.4%
8bionet 2 0.2%
9israel 1 0.1%
TOTAL: 9 983100.0%

Newsgroup request counts (by newsgroup) [Top 100]:

1soc.culture.jewish.moderated 601
2rec.games.roguelike.development 74
3comp.lang.labview 61
4rec.games.roguelike.nethack 31
5alt.os.windows-xp 28
6alt.culture.argentina 22
7rec.puzzles 19
8misc.taxes.moderated 16
9rec.humor 14
10sci.math.research 13
11rec.games.bridge 11
12comp.lang.fortran 10
13comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica 9
14rec.aquaria.freshwater.goldfish 7
15rec.games.trivia 7
16misc.taxes 5
17rec.games.trading-cards.magic.rules 5
18soc.net-people 4
19linux.redhat 4
20soc.senior.issues 4
21sci.life-extension 4
22sci.stat.math 4
23rec.humor.funny.reruns 3
24sci.stat.edu 3
25rec.games.roguelike.misc 3
26soc.culture.jewish 2
27soc.culture.israel 2
28alt.tasteless.jokes 2
29rec.games.roguelike.adom 2
30bionet.biology.computational 2
31rec.humor.funny 2
32comp.dcom.sys.cisco 2
33rec.games.roguelike.angband 1
34rec.food.cuisine.jewish 1
35sci.med.prostate.bph 1
36alt.comp.virus 1
37israel.news.admin 1
38alt.med.allergy 1
39comp.security.announce 1
TOTAL: 39 983

innreport 3.0.2 (c) 1996-1999 by Fabien Tassin <fta@sofaraway.org>.